TikTok, TikTok, That’s The Sound Of Your Day Flying Away

These days, >>the average person spends about 7 hours per day consuming digital media<<, be it on a TV, computer or smart device.

Our days are occupied by screens (no, the irony of coming to you through a screen isn’t lost on me), but it’s also affecting our nights.

Our sleep is affected by daily screen usage, and a lack of proper sleep means less focus.

Those quick-hitting TikTok videos and Instagram reels were just the tip of the focus-destroying iceberg.

So, how do we fix it? Well, one potential solution involves setting limits on your screen time so your brain can recharge. Your brain is draining along with your smartphone battery while you watch cat videos.

Having a tidy desktop (both physically and digitally) can help with your focus as well by giving you less to look at, touch or click.

Being able to sit down and focus on any one thing comes at a premium these days, with distractions coming at us left, right and center.

The same thing happens with our finances. Our best efforts to bunker down on a savings plan sometimes get thwarted by the oncoming barrage of things that seem more interesting, pressing, or give that much-needed (but temporary) serotonin boost.

Fortunately, I’m here to help you with your financial focus. With a personalized financial plan, together we can come up with something that can weather the flurry of distractions life’s newsfeed throws at you. Call 330-836-7800 or >>book a spot on my calendar here<< to get started!